Category : Framework

Preparing for the future with Badge Cuisine

Over the past five months, the arrival of the coronavirus has changed almost overnight our way of living together, our appreciation of what is important in life, and our expectations for the future. Whether these are lasting changes or whether a vaccine or drug has been found that will cause […]

Open Recognition as “transformative social innovation”

“Transformative social innovation is defined as a process of changing social relations, involving challenging, altering or replacing the dominant institutions in a specific context.” This quote comes from TRANSIT (TRANsformative Social Innovation Theory) an ambitious research project that Read more…

Help Us Explore, Develop and Implement an #OpenRecognition Framework

Wednesday Jan 17: 9 am PT 6pm CET at Serge Ravet will lead a collaborative session to develop ideas for an Open Recognition Framework. Your valuable input will feed into an initial draft document, which will be refined further through open collaboration and application in practice, review and improvements to become…