Author : Gerard

MIRVA framework and guidelines available

MIRVA framework and guidelines available The MIRVA project about Open Recognition is done! This 3 year ErasmusPlus project resulted in a framework and guidelines to help you and other stakeholders Make Informal Recognition Visible & Actionable. Please find an overview of all great work below. Overview guidelines How to start […]

Preparing for the future with Badge Cuisine

Over the past five months, the arrival of the coronavirus has changed almost overnight our way of living together, our appreciation of what is important in life, and our expectations for the future. Whether these are lasting changes or whether a vaccine or drug has been found that will cause […]

Let’s start cooking open badges!

What will learning look like in the future? Therefore the MIRVA partners organise an online event on July 7th where you discover how new technologies like open badges can help to support the ‘informal recognition of informal learning’.  This is done with the use of personas in the area of […]

Badges are about connecting people to opportunity

“Badges are about connecting people to opportunity. It’s that simple”. Taking this lightbulb moment of David Leaser from IBM (an early adopter of open badges) in mind, we can use this great sentence also in relation to the last ePIC in Lille and use it as a guiding thread to […]

Open Hiring

Often diploma’s are the gatekeepers to work. But what if this is not the case? What if someone is hired solely on his abilities and motivation? In its maybe purest form that is what opening recognition is about: replace scrutiny with trust. Open Hiring™ is an example of how this […]

Understanding and designing Recognition Technologies

These issues have been addressed during MIRVA workshop at ePic conference in October 2019, as sharing progress development and gathering expert feedback on Recognition Guidelines for Technology providers. The workshop introduction posed two main pillars for participants discussion: user stories and a proposed set of technology features.  On one hand user […]

Understanding and designing Recognition Technologies

“What features should we look for when we are selecting a recognition technology? Are there specific warnings or highlights that should be taken into consideration?” These issues have been addressed during MIRVA workshop at ePic conference in October 2019, as sharing progress development and gathering expert feedback on  Recognition Guidelines […]

How to recognise skills in social and professional communities?

“How to recognise skills in social and professional communities?” This was the subject discussed during the MIRVA workshop at Promised Land event in Milan last June. Competencies are a treasure growing on a territory and feeding its future, but they often remain unseen. MIRVA project partners shared the ongoing work […]

How to recognise skills in social and professional communities?

“How to recognise skills in social and professional communities?” This was the subject discussed during the MIRVA workshop at Promised Land event in Milan last June. Competencies are a treasure growing on a territory and feeding its future, but they often remain unseen. MIRVA project partners shared the ongoing work […]

My quest for recognition

A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]