Building together a recognition society

Let’s start cooking open badges!

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What will learning look like in the future? Therefore the MIRVA partners organise an online event on July 7th where you discover how new technologies like open badges can help to support the ‘informal recognition of informal learning’. 

This is done with the use of personas in the area of inclusion (getting everyone involved), participation (keeping everyone involved) and engagement (fostering everybody’s talent).

So let’s start cooking open badges for the future of open recognition and sign up below!

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Sign up and cook badges

Let’s start cooking badges for the future of open recognition. On July 7th from 14 – 17:00 Brussels time the MIRVA team is cooking badges based on your ideas. 

Bring in your ideas for a great taste of open recognition badges!

Only want to watch and enjoy? Great, also sign up and soon you will be cooking badges at your place.

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