Ma quête de reconnaissance Un récit personnel de Patrice Petitqueux expliquant pourquoi il s’est tourné vers la Reconnaissance Ouverte. J’appartiens à cette catégorie de personnes dont le parcours professionnel et le cursus de formation est plutôt atypique et loin d’être rectiligne ! J’appartiens à cette catégorie de personnes qui aiment […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]
A personal story from Patrice Petitqueux about why he turned towards Open Recognition. I belong to this category of people whose career and educational path is rather atypical and far from a straight line! I belong to this category of people who like to construct themselves through experiences and encounters […]