Building together a recognition society

Open Badge Challenges

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Seven years ago, 10 challenges were issued to the international ePortfolio community at the 2010 ePortfolio and Identity Conference (ePIC).
These challenges outlined a future vision to make ePortfolio technology and practice more open, flexible and interoperable, so that ePortfolios could more openly recognize and celebrate lifelong and lifewide learning and achievement
One year later, at the 2011 Mozilla Drumbeat Festival, Open Badges emerged as a flexible open ePortfolio technology to support stackable and transferable recognition, answering many of the challenges. But Open Badges also raised new challenges.
In 2017, the ePIC organizers are inviting the Open Badge community to define the most important challenges that Open Badge technology and practice need to solve today in order to make possible the dreams of tomorrow.
With your help, we’ll develop the Open Badge Challenges for public release at the international Day of Open Recognition, on October 25, 2017, on the first day of ePIC 2017 in Bologna.

Join us this Wednesday to help us define the key challenges facing Open Badges today, for compilation and release on international Open Recognition Day, October 25th.

Open Recognition Alliance Community Call Wed April 12th, 9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm UTC


Open Recognition Alliance

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